Meet The Staff

Revive Chiropractic Staff Chris Orr

Ariel Northquest

Chiropractic Assistant/Office Manager

Hello, my name is Ariel Northquest, and I am so excited to be here at Revive as the check-in chiropractic assistant! I graduated high school in 2009 and college in 2013 with an administrative assistant major and a minor in counseling.

After college I worked in a variety of offices, but Chiropractic is by far my favorite. I went to the chiropractor for back pain for the first time 5 years ago and that one choice has changed my life forever. Working with patients and helping them achieve their health goals through natural chiropractic care has become one of my life passions. When I am not in the office, I love to simply be home with my husband Isaac and our Australian shepherd River. I am one of those crazy people that actually enjoys running with their dog, and I recently ran my first (and probably only) marathon. My family is a huge part of my life, and when I am not home, I am probably hanging out with my nieces and nephews. I look forward to seeing you all in the office, getting to know you, and helping you in whatever way I can!

Revive Chiropractic Staff Chris Orr

Erin DeFrance

Check-In Chiropractic Assistant

Hello, my name is Erin DeFrance, and I am so excited to be here at Revive as the check-in chiropractic assistant!

I graduated high school in 2021 and college this past spring with a creative writing and literature major. After graduating, I worked in a few small positions but felt like nothing was a good fit. When I learned about Revive, I was instantly drawn to the values of the clinic and the goals they strive for. I was raised going to the chiropractor and it is something I have always valued for the impact it has on every aspect my health. I am excited to work with patients that are looking for effective ways to reach their health goals. I am passionate about providing people with compassionate care and helping them to maintain a healthy lifestyle. When I am not in the office, I am probably writing, reading, or spending time outside with my boyfriend Raul. My favorite place to get away to for the weekend is the North Shore, it has always been like a second home. Every Sunday night you will find me watching football and having dinner at home with my family. I look forward to seeing each one of you in the office!

Revive Chiropractic Staff Chris Orr

Josh Williams

TECH Chiropractic Assistant (rehab & x-ray tech)

Hey, my name is Josh and I am thrilled to meet you and help you achieve your health goals!

I have been involved in the broad health and wellness field for about the last 10 years, in just about every way, shape, and form. For me, I have found the chiropractic piece of things to be best fitting and an incredible way to improve my quality of life and share that with everyone I can.

I was first introduced to chiropractic in 2017, and it has been one of the best things. Learning more about the positive impacts for not only the physical side of things, but having that be able to carry over mentally has been a huge thing for me. I love sharing these experiences with others and sharing my passion for health and wellness. I love all things outdoors and active. I hike and camp often, workout, rock climb, mountain bike, kayak, and have dabbled in all sorts of "extreme" outdoors things and adventures. My favorite past time is to spend time with my dog and take her on adventures. Her name is Ellie, and she will be turning 10 this fall. I got her in 2017, and she is a mix of a couple dog breeds. Most of my spare time is spent getting her tired out, or trying to rather, and seeing what kind of new adventures we can discover. I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone better and being a part of your wellness journey! Don't be shy about any questions or just say hi!

Come visit Revive Chiropractic & Wellness and let us help you start your journey to health and healing today!

Patient Testimonials

I want to share how wonderful and professional the care at Revive Chiropractic is. I had a car accident in 1982. Four chiropractors over the years, with I thought OK treatment. But, August 2019, I discovered Revive. Their complete and thorough intake is unlike any of my previous experiences. Right from the start we mapped out a plan and I started to heal! It is that easy.

Bill W

Chiropractic care has made a huge difference for my family and our immune systems. My kids are healthier than ever and the only time they've been to the doctor all year was for a well-child visit. Our kids love going each week, the doctors and staff treat you like friends and it's a joy to visit on so many levels!

Kristina M

About Us

We are passionate about serving this community together by helping people achieve and maintain the highest quality of health. We want to empower you to prevent unnecessary sickness and disease. Come visit Revive Chiropractic & Wellness and let us help you start your journey to health and healing today!

Opening Hours

Monday - 8-11 am & 3-5:45 pm

Tuesday - 8-11 am

Wednesday - 3-5:45 pm

Thursday - 8-11 am & 3-5:45 pm

Friday, Saturday & Sunday - CLOSED

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